During this scan mode no additional tools are used, but the obtained fragments are not joined, and their alignment requires more time for the processing of the scan data.
This method is used to scan items, for which you cannot affix markers or move, for example, museum pieces.
To do this you need the following:
Place an object or the scanner in a different position and scan the next fragment. Thus scan the desired areas of the surface. As you finished, go to the Processing tab for further registration and processing the model.
The registration stage can be performed automatically if the "registration after scanning" option is enabled in the program settings on the "advanced" tab.
The registration of scans in this case is performed taking into account the geometric features of the mesh. If there are not enough features to combine, i.e. the surface is smooth, without pronounced curvature transitions, then the registration may not be performed or performed incorrectly.
For high-quality alignment, the surfaces must have mutual intersections of more than 50% of the scan area.
For more information about the operation of the "Registration after scanning" option, see description of the software settings
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