Software settings menu contains parameters related to the software interface and data storage.
Language - selects software interface language.
Recovery system - enables the undo/redo system during scanning and processing. Requires additional free RAM.
Recycle bin location - Recovery system files save path.
Projects location - default project save path.
Reset all settings - when clicked, the default settings for the hardware and the project are restored.
— described in Processing, Viewing the model section.
checkbox apply settings for a new projects - enables/disables the application of simplification settings for subsequent projects.
— this tab contains all settings related to the display of graphical interface elements.
illumination changes detector
Unstable external lighting is one of the reasons for the appearance of artifacts and stripes on the original scans.
RV 3D Studio automatically detects and informs the user about a critical change in illumination during calibration or scanning.
Illumination tracking (illumination changes detector) is activated in a constant mode during the calibration process, similar to vibration tracking.
During the scanning illumination changes detector implemented as an option located in the Software Settings / Advanced tab