If the model view is obstructed by one of the scans, its visibility can be turned off by unselecting the scans box in the scan tree. Turning a scan invisible does not delete it from the project.

To toggle the texture display (when scanning with texture), unselect the Texture box in View menu.

Action Tool
Rotation of the model Left mouse button
Rotation of the model in the plane of the screen Left mouse button on the edges of the view
Zooming/Deleting Middle mouse button (press mouse wheel)
Dragging the model in the plane of the screen Right mouse button

Also use views with reference to coordinate axes for an overview of the scan result from all angles

Highlight objects

If you want to find out where in the project tree a certain scan or model is located, then this can be done by pressing ALT + LMB on it in the 3D scene. The selected object will be highlighted in the project tree.

Highlight selected objects

The command is designed for quick search and display in the project tree meshes on which triangles are selected.

It is located in the 3d scene context menu which can be called by pressing the right mouse button on any part of the 3d scene.


Before applying the command, it is recommended to reset the highlight for the meshes previously selected in the tree.

To apply the command, select the triangles on one or more meshes and click “highlight selected objects”


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3eaadc86-4d57-4d18-b97b-f33f699b910f/Blank_-_Spacer.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3eaadc86-4d57-4d18-b97b-f33f699b910f/Blank_-_Spacer.png" width="40px" /> The highlight only works for 3d meshes.


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