This function adds missing sections to the selected mesh.
There are two hole filling methods accessible by a switch button - Normal filling, which maintains surface curvature and filling with Flat surface. Select one or several meshes for hole filling in the project tree or in the 3D scene. When Fill selected holes option is activated, hole filling is performed locally for the selected mesh area.
All holes contained within the selected area will be filled. The option to Skip biggest hole is available for both standard and selected holes filling.
Hole filling can be applied to multiple meshes. The Delete borders option is meant to avoid scanning defects often found on mesh borders with the ability to select the number of triangle rows for deletion.
The Delete noise option is used to apply standard noise deletion before hole filling, as it can impair the result.
Simplified flat mode - activating this checkbox allows the algorithm to fill the holes with a plane where possible.
Use Multiply connected holes to fill disconnected borders belonging to the same hole, as seen on the examples:
Simply connected filling
Multiply connected filling
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