This function reduces model surface roughness by moving the mesh’s triangles closer to the average position. It does not affect the triangle count.

Smoothing can be performed using one of the two different algorithms - Laplacian or Taubin.

Depending on the surface roughness, optimal smoothing settings can be specified using the sliders.

Smoothing threshold adjusts the tolerance for mesh points displacement from their original position. The higher the threshold - the more displacement is allowed.

Smoothing level corresponds to the number of smoothing algorithm iterations. 10 is the maximum number of iterations. If it is still not enough, you can repeat the function by pressing the Smoothing button again with the same settings.

Basic smoothing by Laplacian algorithm works by displacing the vertices closer to the mean center of its vicinity. The 𝜆 (lambda) parameter represents the weighting coefficient of this displacement - the higher it is, the closer each vertex is moved to the mean center.

This method causes mesh “deflation”. In order to mitigate this effect, smoothing algorithm by Taubin adds another iteration, which moves each vertex back further from the mean center. The 𝜇 (mu) parameter represents the weighting coefficient of this displacement.

Smoothing by Taubin does not cancel out the effect of Laplacian smoothing, as “deflation” and “inflation” happen during different iterations.

Combined smoothing function performs fast local deletion of scanning defects, markers and unnecessary surface artifacts. Also it works as a “mesh doctor” type function mending surfaces with holes, which significantly speeds up the preparation before creating a resulting model.

It consists of 3 operations, which are automatically performed in succession: mesh section deletion, filling holes while maintaining curvature and smoothing the surface pathed created earlier.

This function is applied to selected surface area. The Selection growth adjustment allows to take into account up to 10 additional rows of triangles adjacent to the selected area boundaries.

Before combined smoothing

Before combined smoothing

Mesh area selection for smoothing

Mesh area selection for smoothing

After combined smoothing

After combined smoothing

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