Scanning of cylindrical or flat objects is a fairly common task. Such surfaces are hard to scan, because scan alignment is inhibited by the lack of unique object geometry. Without the help of markers it may not be possible to fulfill these scanning projects with required accuracy and quality.
This scanning mode allows to avoid the accumulative alignment error and make scanning more productive and stable as well. Additional tools for scanning automation are very useful for this mode - platforms with markers, frames, previously saved base grids. Texture is available as well when scanning with markers on a turntable.
Axis evaluation is not needed, because alignment is performed based on markers only. The turntable menu contains options to adjust the direction of table rotation and number of angles.
With the start of each new scanning cycle a new scan group with its own base grid is created. Groups are not aligned automatically in this mode. Additionally there is an option to input new scans into a selected group.
Subsequent alignment of groups with different reference nets is available in the Processing / Alignment tab.
In projects with markers on a turntable, imported base grids are automatically placed in different groups. There should only be one base grid per group. When scanning with a base grid, you need to select the group containing the base grid, enable the "Add to selected group" option and start scanning.
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