After loading a project all loaded scans will be displayed in the preview area. A folder with the project name will appear in the tree view.

Moving the view (camera) is carried out by using the mouse. To move an object additionally press Shift. To move an object in the plane of the screen you can also use the keyboard arrows and hold the left mouse button on the side edge of the 3d window view to rotate in the same plane.

Movable is only the object or the group, which was selected in the tree.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Moving view (camera) and moving object are two different operations. Moving view does not affect the real object coordinates, and moving an object does.


Action Move the view with the pressed
Rotation of the model Left mouse button
Dragging the model in the plane of the screen Right mouse button
Zooming/Deleting Middle mouse button (mousewheel)

If needed, model simplification parameters can be applied. In Settings → Software → Simplification a level of scene objects simplification can be selected. By pressing Simplify current project the number of triangles in every scan will be reduced according to the selected level (the higher the value, the less triangles). This option can be useful for low performing PCs and when working with projects containing large numbers of triangles.

While observing the model with textures it's possible to switch off texture display.

Possible display modes for polygons are Smooth, None, Select edges, or Vertices only. Different thicknesses and display of axis names are selected for the coordinate axes. Selected meshes can be made transparent (if they are displayed without texture). Also, for the entire scene, you can activate Perspective display and highlighting of mesh boundaries.

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