The selection functions are available in the Cleaning tab of the left vertical menu or in the tools located to the right of the 3D model viewport.

Geometry selection can be done in two ways: Manual and Automatic.

Selecting model fragments in the preview is done with left mouse button + Ctrl key in accordance with the selection mode used (Rectangle, Brush, Polyline, Fragment selection). Right mouse button + Ctrl cancels the selection.

By pressing right mouse button in the preview area you can call context menu with selection functions.

Foreground selection - when the checkbox is enabled, the foreground selection mode is activated, limiting the selection to polygons whose normal falls into the camera's field of view.

Select and delete functions are active only for visible (not hidden) scans or group of scans, selected in the tree.

The selection of a mesh fragment using the Fragment Selection function is performed by stretching the rectangular selector over the mesh section with the combination Ctrl+LMB. The size of the rectangular grip does not affect the selection. The selected fragment is highlighted to the closed borders. Multiple selection of Ctrl+Shift+LMB and cancellation of Ctrl+Shift+RMB are available.

To delete the selected fragments press the Delete key or select Remove selected in the popup menu. Also, to delete unneeded fragments you can select the model, and then Invert selection.

Local geometry copying - the command is located in the context menu of the scene. It is available only in the editor mode after right-clicking on the scene. Copying is performed for a selected section of one or more meshes. If nothing is selected on the scene, then copying is not performed. The entire geometry captured by the selector is copied and saved as a model.


The example shown fragments of markers selected on the model.

You can select several objects in the tree by two ways:

Noise removal is used to remove unrelated fragments of a single model. The size of the fragments to be deleted is regulated by the slider or digital counter located to the right of it. Fragments to be deleted will be highlighted in the preview window. You can add fragments to automatically selected ones using the Ctrl + LMB key combination, exclude fragments - Ctrl + RMB. The Reset button resets all manual selection changes that were made on top of the automatic ones. To delete the selected fragments, click the Remove button. Click the Save button to close the Noise Removal function.


The Remove base function allows you to quickly select and remove base elements. To do this, using the Alt + LMB key combination, you must specify three points belonging to the base, then the algorithm based on these three points will generate two clipping planes displaying the upper (blue) and lower (red) borders of the base. Using the sliders, you can adjust the position of these planes. Further, when you press the Select button, the area between the planes will be selected - the area to be deleted. In the process of changing the position of the planes, you may need to redefine the selected area - for this there is the Recalculate button, which appears after clicking the Select button and changing the position of at least one of the cutting planes. To delete the selected area, click the Remove button. The Reset button deselects the geometry, removes the planes and returns to the step of defining three points belonging to the base. Click the Save button to end the function.