Building a single model from a group of registered scans is the final step in scan data processing. You can create a single model only by a pre-stitched scans.

The menu for building the final model is located in the "Model" tab of the left vertical menu


Select a group containing scans, from which the final model will be built, and press Generate model.

Two methods of building a union model are available: with hole filling and without hole filling.

In the Parameters of a union model dialogue set the detail level for the union model. You can choose one of 5 pre-determined levels of detail, or specify a value in micrometres.



After the final model is built, the scan containing folder will automatically become hidden and a new element will be added to the project tree, which is the built final model.


The Fill holes function allows you to automatically fill the gaps on unscanned area, remaining on the model.

Gaps appear in those places, which scanner was unable to simultaneously capture with both cameras. Do not use the algorithm to fill the large gaps, when one of the sides of the object was not scanned. In this case the final model building process can take a significant amount of time without any proper result.

Use the Fill holes option if you want to fill small holes. It is not recommended to use fill holes function if the model has large unscanned areas. In such areas, after the operation of the algorithm for filling the holes, "skirts" remain that do not correspond to the real object.

Remove small components is used to remove unrelated fragments of a single model. Remove scan borders is used to forcefully remove scan borders, which, usually, have the greatest amount of noise and artifacts. The parameter is set by default. If the deletion was performed manually earlier, uncheck the box.

Optimize model structure - the function allows you to optimize the mesh when building a model.

Unload scans from memory - the function allows you to free up RAM when building a model by deleting scans. It is recommended to use when the amount of RAM is low or when a high percentage of memory usage is signaled in the RV 3D Studio interface. After building the model, the scans will be loaded into memory - the process is displayed in the project tree.