In Geometry (available from the horizontal tab "Measurement") menu you can detect and build geometric primitives on previously obtained scans or models.

A Point primitive can be described in four ways:

  1. new points coordinates can be manually input into system axis brackets in accordance with specified measurement conditions;
  2. specifying a point on a mesh surface by pressing Alt + LMB. Its coordinates will be displayed in system axis brackets;
  3. basing a point on a primitive.

Plane, Sphere and Cylinder primitives can be selected by pressing Alt + LMB to build related points.

A sphere has one related point - the center, cylinder has two - axis start and end. A plane can give an unlimited number of points, one for every Alt+LMB pressed;

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> When building points on primitives it is recommended to hide meshes and primitives in the background, as points are detected on the closest object in view.


  1. Selecting a mesh section using any selection tool allows to build an "Average point". Coordinates of all selected points on the mesh are taken into account during this process.

Building an "Average point" is optimal for measurements with statistical data over the selected section.

The Sphere option automatically builds a sphere and calculates its diameter. To finish building the primitive, select a noise filtering value - sigma (for glare and black surfaces digitized without matting, it is recommended to use a coefficient less than 0.95. With sigma 0.5, up to 50% of triangles are excluded from the calculation, with sigma 1, all selected triangles participate in the calculation), point at a sphere and press Alt + LMB.

Plane primitive is detected by selecting a surface section on a mesh.

Analogous to the sphere creation, the noise filtering value sigma should be chosen. Surface selection can be done by any selection tool using Ctrl + LMB to add and Ctrl + RMB to substract.

To build the plane press Detect. The number of points used in primitive creation is calculated automatically and displayed.

Cylinder primitive is built similarly to the plane primitive.

Plane by 3 points option builds a plane using 3 points specified on the surface by pressing Alt + LMB or previously created primitives. To select several points in the project tree use Ctrl + LMB. To deselect a point in the project tree, press Ctr + LMB again. Deselection in the scene happens only when exiting the function. The number of points used to build the plane is shown in the note (3 points).